Holistic Core Restore ®️Recovery

This HCR® 8 week Recovery programme truly ‘has your back’ and will guide and support you safely in your return to an active life. Ultimately, NOT MOVING isn’t an option but learning to move in a way that supports your new and ongoing Pelvic Health status is ESSENTIAL to your current and future health and independence.

HCR® Recovery isn’t simply a ‘fitness programme’.  We have truly re-imagined what it is to be supported post POP or Hysterectomy Surgery or be supported in your life with a POP Diagnosis.

It’s a fully HOLISTIC foundation to your future health.  We’ll educate you about your surgery and make the science very simple.  We’ll teach you to lift and manage pressure in your core for LIFE.  We’ll help you understand the importance of maintaining and improving your bone health, cardiovascular health, gut and bowel health RIGHT NOW as a means of supporting your Pelvic Health! We’ll guide you to supporting your health deeply with ‘food as medicine’.

If you have scar tissue that is part of your Dysfunction story, we are highly skilled at alleviating the adhesions and sense of stuckness that sometimes goes hand in hand with abdominal surgeries.